Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beautiful Imperfection.

Last night I sat and listened to two of my friends speak about their art.
They are both unbelievably talented artists. Very different from each other, yet alike in the sense that they are both perfectionists who say that they are never actually satisfied with their work. If only they could see what we see...

I smiled to myself, that used to be me.
I used to work on the same illustration for hours and hours,
day after day seeking perfection, never finding the inner satisfaction I was seeking.

How different I am now. How much I have changed.

Now I'm working with fallen trees, rocks & rusty metals.
I embrace all of their imperfections.
Every crack and scratch and dent.
The rougher the better.
Interesting and raw, like our true selves.

Certainly expressions more than they are masterpieces, that I would never deny -
but I'm trying to get a message across here!

I'm fighting against this craving for perfection that our generation seems to be obsessed with.

Beautiful women taking a knife to themselves to make their breasts & lips larger, their noses & thighs smaller.
People longing for the perfect house, the perfect car and the perfect designer bag.
Losing so much as they try to achieve this notion of perfection that just does not exist.

Perfection is knowing who you really are deep inside and embracing it.
It is being fearless & never doubting.
It is sharing your uniqueness with others, not striving to become something different.

Deep down we are all already perfect.

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